








Undergraduate Researcher at LITC


Jul 2019 – Present Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Working with a team on NLP problems. Exploring TTS and STT models.

Undergraduate Researcher at LITC


Aug 2018 – Jun 2019 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Worked with a team to build an anomaly detector for network systems with large sized data flow. The project involved data storage, processing, analysis and development of statistical models in Python.

Undergraduate Researcher at LITC


Feb 2018 – Aug 2018 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Participated on the second stage of an project for modelling industrial processes using R language. Two types of problems were treated, classification and regression. Worked alongside with an MS student on training the models, validation and analysis of the results.

Undergraduate Researcher at LITC


Apr 2016 – Apr 2017 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Research project on the structure and implementation of Gabriel Graph for image descriptors. Implemented the graph structure and an classifier based on the graph, in C++ with RcppEigen, an library that connects R language and C++.

Undergraduate Assistant at LITC


Jun 2015 – Apr 2016 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Collaboration as assistant on the laboratory. Worked with an MS student developing an web crawler in Python for collecting data and analysis in R language for reports generation.


Filtragem linear e abordagem geométrica baseada em grafos para o ajuste de parâmetros e redução de complexidade de redes neurais RBF

Co-author. This conference paper focus on learning without parameters. The algorithm uses information given by the Gabriel Graph structure and two filters, one based on the graph and another based on the LDA projection, to set the kernels of the RBF neural network. The scores are similiar to other parameterless methods but with, on average, less RBF centers.